I had a dream... I was wearing a large apple as a shirt near the end of it, and when I woke, my thoughts were, "That was weird." But then I kept thinking and went from apple shirt to fruit leather, and then leather for clothes... so fruit clothes, so what if fairies wore clothes made of fruit leather? but fruit leather is too sticky and wouldn't last and would be prone to attracting bugs and mold and stuff... so then I was thinking is there a way to preserve it to make it work?
The answer could be "no" but I wanna try. And so, also, if I'm going to make clothes for fairies, then I need a doll to put the clothes on it to model, and I don't want to spend a lot of money, so I'm right now attempting to make a doll that would serve as a base that is fairly simple and easy to recreate if this idea ends up taking off that I might be able to do something with.
Anyhow. Yeah! Time to stretch my creative and scientific brain to go through trial and error to find the answer.
Here we go!
- Pink Cat

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