Well, I finally know what it's like to have to be sick while working a full-time job.
Every job has different policies regarding this, and my job we get points added for missing, and once you earn a specific amount of points, then you're fired, basically. However, if you get a doctor's note for your sick days, the points you earned during those days you took off are now erased.

(thanks, AI, for the image above)
So... I got my first doctor's note in my entire life. All by myself. It was kinda scary, but also not at the same time... the day I was feeling the worst, I just couldn't even imagine going to face those "scary" doctors and all their potential questions to try and catch me in a lie and say, "You're not really sick, just go back to work you lazy... person."
I talked with my mom about it, too. I KNOW in my BRAIN that all that I previously stated is not true about these doctors, but that's how I was feeling. I couldn't face them, but I did make a plan of where I was going to go and how I was going to talk to them if I needed to. The next day I was feeling better, so I tried going back to work, but at the end of the first 4 hours, I was just feeling awful again, so I took myself straight to the Insticare. I was gonna do it, and I knew if I didn't go right away, I was going to postpone it for the rest of my life :P
Anyhow, it was around half an hour waiting time, but I had all the information I needed, I had the money I needed, I had my self confidence that I needed to share what my symptoms were, I didn't clam up. I did it! I got my doctor's note, and I got some anti-nausea medicine from the pharmacy and just like that, I made it home and now have the weekend to recoup.
So, yeah. I'm a grown up! I can make my own decisions and take care of myself, too! (Though my mom was on standby to give me extra moral support if I needed any :) )
Anyhow, there you go :D
Another successful day of living ^^
- Pink Cat
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