So, I had posted before about applying to jobs and looking for an apartment, but I haven't given any updates recently...
I officially got the job! I started on April 3rd, and I had two days of work so far, and I'm enjoying it. It is a little taxing, as is most jobs during the first week or two, but I feel like this job suits me right now in my situation. Once I'm not so exhausted every single day that I work, I'll have more energy to spend on creativity. But I gotta be patient with myself as I adjust into this new schedule. It's not going to be perfect right off the bat. I heard while serving an lds mission that it takes at least 6 weeks to fully adjust to a new schedule/place, so I'm going to give myself that time to settle in.
AND I got an APARTMENT!! I've already signed the lease and everything! I'll have two roommates. I haven't really met them yet, but I've heard good things, so I'm hoping for the best. I'm looking forward to this next step in my life :D. I won't move in till the end of this month, but that'll come sooner than I expect!
I'll have just a small room, but that will be plenty. When I toured the apartment, I felt really good about it, and so I decided to move forward with it. Life is about taking advantage of the opportunities you get, so that's what I'm doing, and if it doesn't turn out quite how I hope, or I get to a different spot in life and am ready for something different, then I can make further adjustments and changes.
So, yeah. I'm becoming more and more independent, and I feel really great about it!

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