A little background to this story: I noticed that I would go several weeks without doing laundry, and then I would have to wear some of the more uncomfortable clothes that I keep in the back of my drawers in case of an emergency, such as "all my clothes are dirty" situations. I decided I was not a fan of this anymore and so, I chose a day in the week (Wednesday) to be my laundry day.
The plan was to get up and after breakfast get started on moving clothes through the washer and dryer. I am blessed to have those readily available in my house.
The only thing is that I am not perfect at keeping that day as "Laundry Day". Mostly because I forget and get wrapped up in doing something else like watching YouTube videos or sleeping. Which does not make me feel fulfilled, it just makes me feel like I have done nothing with my day, and yet it's so easy to do nothing. In any case, that just meant that Laundry Day is Today instead of Yesterday. I had to make a conscious decision yesterday, otherwise it might have been put off for a whole 'nother week or so.
The biggest difference I found was that when I started doing laundry (That was the only thing I had planned for today) I started feeling more motivated to do other things, like run to the store to purchase some more cat food - I even bought the wrong cat food and had to return it, and I had never returned anything before and that terrified me, but I had the motivation and energy to do it!
While I know that it may not be a perfect solution, it is something that I can take note of for the future when I might be struggling again with getting out of bed, that sometimes that first step of starting a project, cleaning, or taking care of another living creature (like cats :P) is to choose it intentionally. And then by taking that first step, it can help move me out of the funk and into a state of action where I'm choosing what to do with my time rather than letting social media or even my own feelings* dictate where I spend it.
*Feelings are important to listen to, and if you need rest, take rest, but if you are just sitting still because you can't think of anything else to do, nor have any drive towards something in specific, then sometimes you have to take feelings out of the situation if you are going to move forward.
And so, yeah! I did laundry today :)
- Pink Cat

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